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Getting Started
Problem 1
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Problem 3

Getting Started - Page 7 of 7

ID# C5GS007

Getting Started

Technical Issues
The computational procedures of the Highway Capacity Manual are complex, often including a number of default values or assumptions that need to be understood (and sometimes modified) if the procedures are to be applied correctly to specific problems.

This case study presents, and hopefully clarifies, a number of technical issues that often arise in the application of Chapters 16 and 17 of the HCM. The Exhibit 5-9 lists these issues and identifies which are covered in each of the problems presented as part of this case study.

Technical issue Problem in which the issue is covered

Pedestrian blockage

Queue lengths

Signal vs. TWSC delay comparison

Actuated signal control

Pedestrian and bicycle influences

Exclusive turns lanes



Minimum pedestrian green

Exclusive pedestrian phase

Adding signal phases

Phase overlapping

Unit extension and k-value

Arrival type and progression factor

Double cycle options


Actuated signal detection

Actuated phase length

Gap time and volume-density

Phase length and v/c ratio

Pedestrian level of service

1a. TWSC, existing

1a. TWSC, existing

1b. TWSC, existing

1b. Signal, existing

1b. Signal, existing

1c. Signal, improved geometry, future

1c. Signal, improved geometry, future


2a. Signal, future

2a. Signal, future

2b. Signal, future

2b. Signal, future

2c. Signal, future

2c. Signal, future

2c. Signal, future


3a. Signal, future

3a. Signal, future

3a. Signal, future

3a. Signal, future

3b. Signal, future

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