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Sub-problem 1b - Page 1 of 4

ID# C501B01

Sub-problem 1b: Analysis of the Signalized Intersection with Projected Traffic

Step 1. Setup

We know from the results of Sub-problem 1a that, with or without the projected traffic from the proposed development, the TWSC intersection of Museum Road and Reitz Union will experience substantial delays and queues. In this sub-problem, we will investigate the possibility of signalizing the intersection to determine if that would improve the situation. As noted previously, this is an analysis to reveal the likely operational effects of signalizing the intersection. A signal warrant analysis using the procedures defined in the MUTCD would normally be necessary prior to pursuing this option.

Here are some issues to consider as you proceed with a signalized analysis of the existing intersection and its performance.


What data is needed for this analysis?


How can you compare the delay at an unsignalized intersection and a signal?

The information related to each of these questions has been discussed elsewhere in previous case studies within the HCMAG. How would you obtain the needed data to analyze the operations of a signalized intersection? Take a few minutes to consider this question. Click continue when you are ready to proceed.

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