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Sub-problem 2b - Page 5 of 10

ID# C402B05

Sub-problem 2b: What are the Levels of Service in the Weaving Sections Located in the I-87/Alternate Route 7 Interchange?

In addition to the volume data, we must also consider several other input data.

For Weave A, the peak hour factor is used to account for the variation in the traffic flow during the peak hour. Based on previous studies, we will use a peak hour factor of 0.90. The free flow speed was estimated to be 55 (see previous discussion) mph while the proportion heavy vehicles is assumed to be zero for this analysis. We are also assuming the driver population adjustment factor to be 1.0.

What about the geometric data? We've already determined that this is a Type A weave, according to the guidelines of the HCM. We also know from an examination of the aerial photographs and the schematics we reviewed earlier that there are four lanes in the weaving segment, two from each of the entry sections, and two going to each of the two exit sections. The length of the weaving section is 1,320 feet, or one-quarter mile.

Weaves B and C are also Type A weaves. The input data for these weaving sections, as well as for Weave A, are summarized in Exhibit 4-27.

Exhibit 4-27. Weave Data

  Weave A Weave B Weave C
Peak hour factor 0.90 0.90 0.90
Free flow speed (mi/hr) 55 55 55
Proportion of heavy vehicles 0 0 0
Driver population adjustment factor 1.0 1.0 1.0
Type A A A
Number of lanes 4 5 3
Length of weaving section 1,320 1,970 1,056

How will these weaving sections perform, given these inputs? And, what parameters do we use to characterize the performance of the weaving sections? Take a few minutes to consider these questions. When you are ready, continue to the next page.

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