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Subproblem 1b - Page 3 of 5

ID# C301B03

Sub-problem 1b: Determining the Facility Class and Scope of the Analysis

Step 2. Results

Arterial Street Class
By observation, this route could not be described as either an urban or intermediate class of arterial, so the choice is narrowed to either Class I or II. To make this choice, we must consult HCM Chapter 10. The selection criteria include:


Access density: Class I is associated with very low density, while Class II is associated with low density. The access density on this section was described previously as very low, thereby favoring Class I. The access density is approximately 1.25 per mile for the north section and approximately 3.7 per mile in the center and south sections. Note that the access points include dirt roads, boat ramps, utility facility entrances and privately owned properties.


Pedestrian activity: Class I is associated with very little activity, while Class II is associated with little activity. The pedestrian activity is negligible on this facility, indicating that Class I would be a better match for this criterion.


Signal density: Class I is associated with 0.5 to 2 signals per mile, while Class II is associated with 1 to 5 signals per mile. The actual density is approximately 1 signal per mile, so either Class I or II could apply. The fact that the actual density is in the center of the range for Class 1 and on the extreme end of the range for Class II should be considered as another vote in favor of Class I.


Posted speed: Class I is associated with 45 to 55 mph, while Class II is associated with 40 to 45 mph. The actual value of 45 mph falls on the boundary between the two classes and therefore does not provide a valid selection criterion.

The preponderance of evidence above points to the designation of this facility as a Class I arterial. This choice is reinforced by the photographs that compare the HCM depiction of a typical Class I arterial in Exhibit 3-8 with a typical view of this section of Krome Avenue in Exhibit 3-9.

Exhibit 3-8. HCM depiction of a

typical Class I arterial

Exhibit 3-9. Typical view of a

Krome Avenue intersection

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